Sunday, February 1, 2009

"Plant More Trees!" Group Comments

State of the Urban Forest Summit

Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Research Center

January 9, 2009

Breakout Group:

Eliza Vermillion (University of Texas, co-organizer of Forest Summit)

Jennifer Clymer (City of Austin, Austin Climate Protection Program)

John Paul Moore (Hyde Park Neighborhood/ANC)

Keith Babberney (Urban Forestry Board, private arborist)

Linda Guerrero (Parks and Recreation Board, Chair)

Matt Hollon (City of Austin, Watershed Protection & Development Review)

Mitzi Cotton (City of Austin, Law Department)

Top Action Items identified by Breakout Group

1. Coordinate people and resources (programs, managing entities, and funding sources) and plant more trees.

2. Consolidate all existing ordinances and rules into one document with educational support materials.

3. Quantify and publicize diverse public and private benefits of Urban Forests.

Selected Option:

1. Coordinate people and resources and plant more trees:

  1. Coordinate tree programs between City departments,[1] other agencies,[2] nonprofit organizations, neighborhoods, etc. (who is doing what with what resources).
  2. Identify existing tree resources[3] and identify areas for additional tree plantings (e.g., parks, riparian areas, public right-of-way, TxDOT right-of-way, etc.).
  3. Plant and maintain trees!

Tree Summit web site:

[1] Departments identified: Austin Energy (e.g., Climate Protection Program, Green Building Program), PARD, Watershed Protection & Development Review, Austin Water Utility (e.g., for watering, taps), and Public Works (e.g., Bicycle & Pedestrian Program—interest in shaded areas).

[2] For example, work with Urban Forestry Board’s Tree Oversight Committee.

[3] Seek City Manager and/or City Council to sponsor and support.

to sponsor and support.

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