Urban Forestry Summit notes from: Laura Patlove, Dave Sullivan, Jeremy Solomons, Glen Gillman, Wendy Morgan, Mary Ann Neely, Emily King
How do we show
- Marketing campaign
- Schools
- Central information resource
All suggestions and ideas:
· Print on electric bill
o Information about ecosystem services
o Average electric usage for a house of similar size
· Identify needs and desires of residents and then provide them
· Exhibits
· Provide data and experiences
· Personalize trees with plaque stating “name”, value, age, other info
· Marketing campaign
o Include TV, YouTube, print, etc.
o Solicit corporate sponsors
o Put in terms that everyone can understand (kids)
o Specific to urban forestry
o Marketing and newspaper articles about ecosystem services
o Highlight COA activities
o Tell your neighbor
o Provide estimates for $ value that trees add to property (or offset costs of electric usage)
o Create virtual digital images of city and neighborhoods without trees
o Campaign to include how trees improve: Pedestrian environment, Air quality, Health/inspiration, Sustainability, Biodiversity, Value of property, Lower utility bills/urban heat island, Quarter quality/conservation
· Centralized accurate information resource for COA
o Funding from Climate Protection and Tree Mitigation Fund
o COA departments with tree responsibilities housed under Climate Protection
o Participants could include: PARD, WPDR, NPZD, UTCRP, LCRA, AISD
o Web based (low cost)
· Work with school districts to integrate trees into curriculum (science, geography, social, etc.)
o Include design component that helps students critically evaluate trade offs for tree planting decisions and what “right tree in right place” means
o After school hikes and walks for kids
o “Earth camp”
o Hold events in urban forest spaces
· Pilot projects by City/others to highlight benefits
o Educational signs, obvious example of beauty/function of trees
o Tree plantings and landscaping
· Arboretum = tree museum
· Edible park
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